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Adaptive Track and Field

Adaptive track and field is more than just race wheelchairs—ambulatory, race runner frames, prosthetics or visually impaired—there’s a way almost everyone can be accommodated to participate.

Who can play:

Anyone, youth and adult, who has a mobility challenge. This program is co-ed.

  • Spina bifida
  • Spinal cord injury
  • CP
  • Congenital limb issues
  • Amputations
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Short stature
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • MS
  • Motor dyspraxia
  • Limited range of motion
  • Balance issues
  • Post stroke
  • Blind or visual impairment

Individuals may be independent ambulators or use assistive devices or wheelchairs.

Dates, times, locations and fees

Adaptive track and field includes spring and summer sessions. Registration is currently underway for the Summer 2022 session.

When: Mondays and Wednesdays, June 6–July 27, 6-7:30 pm

Where: La Crosse Central High School track

Session fee: $30 (scholarships available)

In case of inclement weather, the STAR Association reserves the right to cancel a session. Participants will be notified via TeamSnap.

New participant registration Returning participant registration

What to bring

  • Water bottle
  • Race wheelchair (if owned)
  • Bike helmet (if owned)
  • Padded biker shorts if desired
  • Long sleeve shirts or arm sleeves if desired
  • Parents welcome to attend


Para sports use classification to identify what limitations of function an athlete has and how it may affect their ability to play the game. This assures athletes are playing against opponents with similar abilities.

Classifications look at an individual’s function of their arms, legs and trunk along with cognition and eyes. Muscle tone, spasticity and coordination are also utilized to determine your classification. Learn more

Did you know?

Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota students are able to represent their school on the track and field team. With the skills you learn, you may also enjoy community run/walks, 5Ks, half marathons or marathons. You may also compete in throwing events.

Race wheelchairs are used by athletes who do not have strength or control of their legs to support themselves in a standing position. The race wheelchair is very lightweight. You will either be seated or in a tucked position. The athlete wears special gloves with a rubber surface which are used to push against the push rim. The race wheelchair ‘steers itself’ through a mechanism called a compensator. Events for the race wheelchair include sprints, middle distance, 1K, 2K, 5K, half marathon and marathon.

Individuals with prosthetics are able to participate with conventional prothesis, or special sport blade prothesis. Some individuals with limb deficiencies and amputations compete seated.

Blind and visually impaired individuals are able to participate in most track running events and road races with the assistance of a guide. The guide uses verbal cues to let the athlete know where they are on the track and relationship with obstacles and other athletes.

Introducing race running frames

Race running has more than a 30-year history in Europe. Developed by the Cerebral Palsy International Recreation Association (CPISRA), it is now a demonstration sport in the Paralympics. Race running is done with a three wheeled frame that has no pedals. A seat and chest plate support the athlete as they propel the frame with their legs. The STAR Association is excited to offer this piece of adaptive equipment. We are one of the first organizations in the country to offer programming in this sport. See a race runner in action

Who can use a race running frame?
Individuals with a limited range of motion, alterations of muscle tone, weakness or balance issues can use race runners. Individuals who normally use power chairs can successfully participate.

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Spasticity
  • Arthritis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • MS
  • Spina bifida
  • Balance issues
  • Ataxia
  • Motor dyspraxia


Adaptive throwing events
Para field events include shot put, discus, javelin and club. The weights of the implement vary by age and sex. Throwing events are done either seated or standing, depending on the participant’s disability.

Seated throwers use a throwing chair. Straps can be customized to help secure the athlete, and some participants may utilize a back support or footrest. A post located on the chair is held by the non-throwing hand.

Standing athletes may utilize a support frame to help with stability. All six primary categories of Para Athletes can compete in the throwing events.

Shot put can be done seated or standing. The shot starts just under the jaw near your ear, the arm is then extended upward at a 45 degree angle. The shot is pushed, not thrown.

The discus was in the ancient Olympics. Like other throwing events, it can be done seated or standing, depending on the classification. The disc is saucer shaped and weighs between .75kg to 2kg, depending on age and sex. It is thrown with a ‘side arm’ technique.

The javelin is a long spear like implement. It can be done seated or standing. The weight and length of the javelin varies with the age of the athlete. Younger athletes and practice javelins have a rubber tip, while older competitors use a metal tipped javelin. The javelin is thrown in an ‘overhand’ position.

Adaptive jumping events

  • Long jump
  • High jump
  • Triple jump

The STAR Association follows CDC, State and County Health Department recommendations for COVID Mitigation. We recommend that all who are eligible to get a vaccine to do so. Masks, social distancing and proper hand washing will be required at all STAR programs.

Questions? [email protected] or 608-797-6295